▲Extraordinary , an inspiration . and I swear you have been everything of mine▲

Ian StoneCore.

Ian StoneCore

hit counter

I'll keep changing , for the better.

Kick balls ,Picking up the acoustic,Skating for leisure ,Amateur Photographer with his Canon450D

Learning how to breathe and smile .

All that's stated here might not be fictional

A blog/tumblr

Significant others


Layout: vehemency
Icon: reruntherace

Thursday, July 15, 2010, 9:27 PM

Baby, you don't how cute you are to me, you ain't me, you would never know.

It's a barren run i'm in.
Running to you, only to pick myself up from the ground.
Giving my time to you, only to waste it.
Picking you up and placing you down.
Others'd never know how much it takes.
A strong heart .

Thursday, July 1, 2010, 11:51 PM


thanks for being there , always.
i'm sure there'll only be more good years to come.
Legal legal legal.
More late night parties and all.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010, 2:03 AM

I'm more than willing have my life fucked up , for i once had you.

Thanks A.
I want to acomplish every little thing ,
with you , not simply for you .

Monday, June 14, 2010, 2:59 AM

Don't leave behind no traces of memories , if you had known you'd leave me.

A week of the break's officially over.
I could say i didn't waste a second of it .
I'm satisfied , very much so.
So it's Father's day next week ,
and dad's gonna be at Shanghai.
Wonder how's he coping.
I'm sure he'll be good.
World cup had kicked in ,
lost interest in soccer , i meant watching it .

Tuesday, June 8, 2010, 7:29 PM

I'd wished for one more night with my only you .

I can't guarantee you a miracle .
But i'll be round the corner .

Monday, June 7, 2010, 7:32 PM

Lost by choice .

Term break !
Cooped up at home since i awoke.
Eric and co. should be coming over for Mahjong !
Hongwen fucking passed me the Flu virus when
we went to queensway yesterday .
Fucku bitch.

Sunday, June 6, 2010, 4:39 AM

Wonderboy .

Hai .
Haven't been posting recent days .
Yes , term break's here heee.
All the way to the last week of june .
Who's free to catch up , who !
Lotsa updates during the last few days .
Zul's pre-enlistment chill sessions and more .
Acoustic session with Koonhow and Barry yesterday .
We recorded Creep , High and dry and Remembering Sunday .
And i think only Creep was up to scratch .
Disaster voice .
Mahjong few hours back .
Queensway tomorrow afternoon .

Monday, May 31, 2010, 9:50 PM

I wish you didn't knew my existence , but who begged to differ .

Maths was a disaster ,
my mind went blank the moment i
stepped into the fucking room .
Well , there's three more papers to go .
Hope it's easy .

1:36 AM

Last days of summer .

On the sly , i'd hate to take note
of every single detail of your life .
It's high time to redeem myself from
this stick stickly bottomless pit .
i bothered loving you .
and there's nothing i'd do
with a heart so willing .
love me back .

Sunday, May 30, 2010, 2:37 AM

If we ever meet again .

I said I'd never let you go, and I never did
I said I'd never let you fall and I always meant it
If you didn't have this chance then I never did
You'll always find me right there, again

2:27 AM

Just , don't break down .

You deserve so much more .
Every single detail in life seems to be
nothing more than a nightmare .
Sweet love , valentine .

Friday, May 28, 2010, 1:03 AM

The past should stay dead.

Last day of school was average .
Met koonhow , sanchez and Ysl at compass for lunch .
Caught Shrek at Cathay as soon as we got to town .
An impromptu decision to jam at Pomo .
A hour and a half slot available , to our astonishment .
I miss jamming with TheLastAvenue for our gigs.
And now the bassist is gone and probably two more of them
are gonna abandon us .
I had a good-throat day !
Managed to hit the high for Jamie all over !
Happyy only.
We had an awesome time in the studio .
Played around with songs from Mayday parade ,
Blink182 , all time low .
We even tried hot' n cold .
ahh i miss being on stage ,
not for teachers' day though.
Hahahhaa nostalgic .

12:19 AM

This just showed how useless i am.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010, 11:16 PM


Sweet#hart .
I look up for the stars in the skies every single night.

1:43 AM


Life's been slapping me .
Slammed me onto the ground ,
leaving me on my fucking knees.
You , you don't know how much you meant.
Make a wild guess ,
It'll definitely take the wildest of imagination
to picture the answer.

1:39 AM

It is what it is . it always is , ian.

Face it , i'm just undeserving .
Look at me .
All wasted and scattered all over the ground.
I know you won't waste another glance , begone.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010, 9:10 PM

Am i sleeping with my eyes wide.

dear pebble , look at the vast seas.
what do you have in compare with the sharks and dolphins.

8:51 PM

This flame breeds disbelief.

Ah tuesdays , lovehate.
Tutorial started at ten .
Shouldn't have gone .
Had break from eleven to four .
FMFL much .
Thank god i had the guys for accompany .
I'm gonna bring my laptop to school every tuesday
when next semester kicks in .
Yeh awesome day.

Monday, May 24, 2010, 4:59 PM

Kill You Dead.

It's a StayHomeMonday .
Uhahah love it .
Oh i'm not gonna look forward to the weekends this time .
Cause it simply means that the term tests are making their way here.
I've got netfund , dfund , e.device and Maths !
Dad's leaving singapore for Shanghai in a week's time .
And he's gonna be back only in five months' time.
But Momzy and i would be making a trip there in september .
Free tickets ! Why not.
Four two-way tickets to Shanghai.
Dad's company's providing him with a full time maid and a chauffeur.
Can't wait for september .
Gonna smuggle lotsa goods back.

Sunday, May 23, 2010, 2:51 PM

I'm okay , nothing good has happened yet.

If only i pulled you back.
Tell you i've all the time in the world for you .

Saturday, May 22, 2010, 5:12 PM

We are the ocean .

2:11 PM

Oh happy birthday pac-man .

i'm bored .
I'd gone to town if it wasn't for the bodyaches .
Woke up feeling really dizzy.
what's wrong .

Thursday, May 20, 2010, 11:59 PM

Hippie pork chop.

I need to shop .
Just troubled grandma to alter my Dr.demin.
Wonder how it'd look .
Oh , talking about Wonderland.
Someone mentioned in twitter that some
homicide actually occured at Ion.
Some staff from Wonderland actually stabbed
a staff from N.U.M for airing Justin Bieber's songs
at his shop !
HAHAHA epic .
Could you imagine picturing a homicide in the middle of
repetitions of 'Baby baby baby ' .
heh kewl.
Okay i'm gonna book my Btt tomorrow afternoon .
And soccer afterwards.
Weekends are gonna rock .

9:25 PM

Famous friends and fashion drunks .

So i dream of throwing up every night .
Brand new me , same shitty you .

9:07 PM

When the sun sleeps , drop me a kiss .

Ahh it's friday tomorrow !
Awesomeawesomeawesome .
Having a horrible headache now .
hmm butterfac tomorrow night ?
Let's hope that the guys are on.

12:53 AM

Quit that pack of twenty for good someday.

No other could wait for a lover to embrace, boy
When there's no more room for love,
You'll sail her off to the shores

Tuesday, May 18, 2010, 9:31 PM

Try being in excess to someone dear to you .

Remember: not to love someone who doesn't give
a shit about yourself again .

Monday, May 17, 2010, 10:33 PM

Princess .

10:28 PM

Getting kinda sick of it , but i just can't stop .

It's the 'fuck everything, dying to die' season again .
How did you fuck everything up ,
leaving me helpless .
And it seems like nothing'd ever happened on your side .
Maybe that's how a gamemaster should feel .
player .

10:22 PM

I'm all alone .

Hate the atmosphere at home ,
when i'm alone .
Dad and mom doesn't return only till eleven ,
almost every single night .
I know i'm eighteen .
But i'm not an orphan .
Can't stand the fats .
Sit-ups , jumping-Js and push-ups.
It's enough to kill .
I hate tuesdays .

12:24 PM

Did you find the one in me .

this is how i lost more than i had ever won
and honestly i ended up with none

Sunday, May 16, 2010, 11:32 PM

Hearshot kid disaster.

11:26 PM

They might say hi and i might say hey .

Oh the weekends' are over just like that !
Uh i've nothing to update .
Sudden urge to pool .
Haven't been visiting Hougang plaza for ages .
Busy stoning i guess. heh

Saturday, May 15, 2010, 2:46 PM

!!! hayleyyyyy

2:42 PM

Marry me , one of ya'll .

2:06 PM

Nothing on you .

Best took me out for a treat last night .
Pasta mania !
Cost her a bomb , i think .
She ordered a spread !
Met dexin after he knocked off and to hougang green .
Met the guys to chill .
Heading to Desmond's Bbq later in the evening .

Friday, May 14, 2010, 2:49 AM

Je vous aime beaucoup ♥

Ca va ?

2:43 AM

*Punches fist in the air.

Meeting best tomorrow evening !
Missed her to the core.
Guess she'll look something like the cat in Alice in Wond'land. Heh
Okay just finished streaming Ironman2 minutes back .
Not fantastic ,really . Ipman2 was much more awesome .
See you , MEOWW.

Thursday, May 13, 2010, 10:04 PM

I miss smiling , not virtually .

How to spot a useless , ugly , fat and stupid
boy in singapore ?
Ian Stonecore .

9:57 PM

You're hard to find , hard to lose , impossible to ignore.

Kills me to think , of us .
Upsets me to realize what's left of us on this point of time .
Pains me to use the word ' us ' .

Wednesday, May 12, 2010, 10:32 PM

Cheers to love , A .

Kenneth Goh SXE said, Ian StoneCore '' Finding that one thing you really care about. That one special thing that means more to you than anything else in the world. And when you find her, you fight for her. You risk it all, you put her in front of everything, your life, all of it. Because in your heart you know, that the juice is worth the squeeze. That's what moral fiber's all about. ''

10:00 PM

Perhaps i'd place too much consideration into strangers .

9:50 PM

When will you ever place me at the highest priority .

9:48 PM

I need a mask like spidey's . I fucking ugly ugh

9:40 PM

For each remembered name .

Ugh awful headache since seven in the morning .
Lack of rest it must be .
I can't wait till the weekends !
Packed with activities (Y)
I realize i have yet to actually study on weekends .
Badd really bad .
Need an early night .

1:45 AM

It ain't gonna suck itself .

My brain was stucked .
We tried so hard to cover our tracks .
At least it's always best to live and love ,
than to not love at all.

1:28 AM


Hahahhaha scandal scandal scandal.
uh school was draining today !
Two quizzes which i guess i'd flunk either one of them .
I had to go through the long breaks alone !
Four out of eight of them are absent from school.
Fuckers , left me alone .
Lunched with zhengyi, weii yeh and huijie at design .
And i hate my new fucking head.
So curly now . ugh
Zzz okay gonna crash into my bed ,
school starts at eight in the morning .knn

Monday, May 10, 2010, 10:45 PM

Searching , seeking , reaching , always .

I'm inferior .
Not wanted nor needed .
What's my worth.

10:10 PM

We are the reasons.

I trimmed my disaster head this afternoon .
Like finally , i could make my way through the crowd clearly .
Heh .
Thirty fucking bucks .
Okay met the NYP people after the haircut .
Kenneth , liz , junxun and hongwen .!
Bumped into Anan .
Fuck , he said i looked like i didn't trim my hair at all .
Ahahaha , he's already awaiting enlistment .
Whoa .
Crashed Wilson's crib hours back to aid him in his
communicative skills .
HAHAH and i've got two quizzes tomorrow .
Okay red bull , please work your magic a'ight .

1:52 AM

Perhaps up till now , i hadn't tried having a complete heart .

Best day since a couple of weeks back .
Hearing from you , could prove to be the most effective
drug against insomnia.
I just need a little of these , a heavier dosage please .